Thursday, January 24, 2008

Canon XSi

HelloooOOOooooo, next camera!

It's not released until April 15th, 2008, so you have time to save up your cans and bottles.

*Update - Shipping from Amazon on April 27th. Available at BestBuy on April 30th.
Many online retailers and Circuit City are offering presale. All prices seem to be around the $899 release price. Best and cheapest extended warranty? BestBuy. ADH for under $150*

I was asked if I was going to sell my XTi.

Do you sell your firstborn just because you had another? C'mon now.

Besides, I'm more a lenswhore than a camerawhore so now I'll be able to switch less.


  1. It'll be kind of a late birthday present....but thanks, Kirlmeister! You could have bought me a car, but I'll settle for the camera instead.

  2. Suggested retail price is...????

    If you have to ask, you can't afford it... I know.

  3. I should've waited.

    Then again, I realized quite a few years back that saying "I should've waited" is pointless when talking about technology.

    I'm going to say it anyway.

  4. You are going to be a crazy man until you get that into your hands!!!! April can't come soon enough.

  5. well...looks like a nice camera for the price.....

    I, digging thru trashcans and checking payphones to save for this :

    I'll give u a moment to get the drool off your keyboard =)

  6. Oooh yeah, Kirley like... ;)

  7. kathe: Huh? Wha? Who is this?

    jenny: $899. That's like 800 bucks!

    justin: Why wait? You certainly wouldn't buy an XTi now. So you bought it just in time. And now you can buy this in April. See how it works?

    travelma: Truer words have never been spoke(n).

    Dr: That ain't drool. It's Spit O'Contempt for Nikon! Although..if one MUST get a Nikon, that D300 is ALMOST as good as a Canon.

    Space: The Excess Eye part is, yeah.

  8. You got me surfing and now I want one.


Jen White