Monday, December 31, 2007

The Other Coolest Job in the World

Damn you to Hell AGAIN, My High School Guidance Counselor. Damn you straight to Hell, AGAIN.
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  1. There Could be a CHILD IN There! Part Two?

  2. Hell yeah, snowblower! I wants me one!

    Happy New Year, Jkirling*.

    *That's the way I always type it first, then have to go back and delete the 'g' but 2008 is my year of GO WITH IT, SISTAH, so you're gettin' the 'g' buddy, and be glad of it. Why, when I was a child... msfphhphffff....

    The nice men in the white coats say I have to go now. Byeeee!

  3. Drivng into snowy ditches. You could TOTALLY do that job.

  4. Why do I get the feeling that the next unrevealed photo in the series was something like this?

    Followed by your next post, "The Thing of the Moment's Guide to Buying a New Camera®."

    Happy new year!

  5. With the amount of hot air you have the potential to blow, you may just put the Bangor DPW guys out on unemployment.


Jen White