Thursday, August 31, 2006

Gentle Viewer Leigh's Grand Finale

Actually, the grand finale would have been watching me carry that little stack of typing paper with burning wooden matches on it to the sink and shrieking like a little girl. THAT'S A FINALE!

I just noticed that I said 'typing paper'. TAKE THAT YA YOUNG WHIPPER SNAPPERS! And to me 'wireless' still means a radio! Don't like it? I'll run ya over with my horseless carriage!


  1. "shrieking like a girl???" right. shrieking like a jkirlin is more like it.

  2. You tell 'em, Gramps.

    And if they don't listen, take awy their gramaphone privledges.

  3. I feel so complete, I need a cigarette.

  4. um, jk? you lit a bunch of matches on top of a stack of paper? are you aware that paper, um, burns?

    oy, kids these days.


Jen White