Monday, August 06, 2007

The Thing of the Moment's TtV Contraption!

I called Shane McCarthy at the Bangor Wine Cellar and said, 'Do you have those neoprene wine thingy's?' and he referred me to Bed Bath and Beyond scoured the Internet and the whole world LOOKING for just the right size bag in exotic materials which might serve my needs. Then I jammed the Duaflex down into it and cut out a hole for the viewfinder and opened the top, carefully measured and gently slid the Duaflex into place and then carefully felt for the round view window and cut a hole for it.

See it in there?

Look! No leak! RAR! You just stick the lens of your recording camera in the top of the bag and that's it.

And it fits NICELY into a camera bag because it folds just above the camera. The Bag stays open when round but when flattered closed will easily fold over.

Available now at Bed Bath and Beyond or online for around 15 bucks at The Thing of the Moment Store for $299.99 (Kodak Duallex or recording camera of your choice (Mine was the Rebel XTi with the kit lens) not included.) Maine residents add 5% sales tax. (That means YOU, T U R N O R A M A)


79% of shoppers who purchased The Thing of the Moment's TtV Contraption also purchased THIS ITEM.
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  1. ah Kirly, little grasshopper...

    here is a photo of me dear old mom's Argus - a far superior TvT camera to your little Kodak.

    Unfortunately, the little beast has sat on a shelf for the last 50 odd years (last used to document the occasion of my first most Holy Communion in 1960, mom having moved onto an Instamatic shortly afterward) and it has a bit o' dust in its inner-workings.

    But, by God, the viewfinder still works as shown in this shot.

    So I'll be ordering me camera baffle/wine cooler next time I see ye (it comes with a nice 1972 Pinot Noir - right?)


  2. How do you find the time to come up with these things in between gainful employment, your gruelling fitness regime, all that cordon bleu entertaining you do and your tireless charity work?

  3. " i see" said the blind man
    clearly i need to stay more on top of "the moment"


Jen White