Sunday, November 04, 2007

Tide Clock

I received this sweet tide clock as a gift on August 12, 1995. A tide clock has an additional hand indicating where the tide is. Some people just prefer to look out their windows and see but they are Luddites, I tell you. LUDDITES!

Submitted for Macroday: Clock
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  1. Does your tide clock take into account if you live in a place with diurnal or semi-diurnal tides?

  2. No..I live on a nice normal semi diurnal tidal basin. If you live on one of those CRAZY, OUT OF CONTROL diurnal basins, you have to buy your clock from the Luddites THERE. Do you have one of those tidal WATCHES? What if you are stuck in the mud?

  3. I want one. Or at least I want my folks to have one for there beach house (where I hope I will be end of December!).


Jen White