Sunday, April 17, 2005

Uh oh...

(Rest assured, Gentle Viewers, no stinging insects were hurt in the production of this photo series. I wanted to use some Rube Goldberg contraption consisting of kitchen tongs, duct tape, a bell, 4 yards of twine, and a hammer to take these shots but I just kept moving in closer and closer and then run screaming like a little girl everytime the shutter clicked. The wasp and I had worked out a deal. It wouldn't sting me and I wouldn't kill it. I opened the window afterwards and out it flew.)

Is this even a wasp? Now I have to go check the field guide.

Speaking of which... I never found out what THIS is. Honorable mentions to anyone who knows.
Posted by Hello


  1. I want you to know... I was trying like H-E-doublehockeysticks to earn that Honorable Mention. I spent 45 minutes? an hour? viewing photos of moths AND butterflies yesterday. I am not able to name that little bugger but I did earn my Entomology certification online in the meantime. The lovely, framable certificate will hang on the wall next to my Art Instruction School diploma.


Jen White