Saturday, August 27, 2005

Bye Bye Birdie: The End of Another Era

I've been asked to remove my bird feeder, by my landlords, which I suppose is reasonable given that it's attached to the side of the house inches from my window. Posted by Picasa


  1. Ummm..the house is being painted and the guy doesn't want to deal with dive bombing birds and it could draw squirrels which could get into the house and kill us as we slept. Or something. :)

  2. Stupid landlords. But an occasion for nice pictures...

  3. Ok, here is my defense of my landlords.

    I don't OWN the house. I don't WANT to own the house. I don't want to own MY OWN house. They didn't say I couldn't have a feeder, they said they'd prefer it not be attached to the house that they own and I don't want to own. Heh heh. I'm sure they'd have no problem with me mounting the feeder across the lawn if I wanted to feed the birds so badly. But here, Gentle Viewers, is where my hypocrisy comes into play. I don't care if the birds EAT or not. I just wanted to be able to SEE them. And I can't see them across the lawn...sooooo..... ;)


Jen White