Saturday, February 12, 2005

Tree House Posted by Hello


  1. I like it better than my house.

  2. Simply surreal! This with a infrared filter? I love your style seriously. Your default blogger template page doesn't do justice to your shots. Keep it up!

  3. I wish I could be cool and say it's an IF filter, but...ummm...if you promise not to tell anyone...

    It's just a KodakDX6490 and I...I...*hangs my head in shame* doctored it up a little using the...*gasp* FREE Picasa2 software. I AM SUCH A GEEK! I CONFESS! But I like how it looks. I was told not to do anymore black and whites though because I suck at it. So I'll hang on to this one as an 'I told you so' and probably stick with color with little PS touch ups.

  4. really beautiful... and surreal !


Jen White