Monday, July 11, 2005

Blurry Bill and Blurry Janice lay down little border things (Again with the name). They may have had stencils on the truck for hard things like arrows but I didn't see them.
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  1. Jkirlin, I'm surprised to find "0" comments on this one. To me, this is one of your greatest. Creative and interesting, both out of the ordinary and artistic. You sure someone else didn't take it :)

  2. Mark: The highest compliment I get is when someone thinks I didn't take the photo. I'm always annoyed when WalMart prints my photos as if they were taken by a mere mortal and aren't subject to the copyright violation rule. PHILISTINES!!

    The highest compliment I GIVE is to be insanely jealous of someone's photos. Like I am some of yours. LUDDITE!


Jen White