Monday, August 01, 2005

OOOOOOOH! GOOD! I love when a camera will take a nice photo of my computer. That's important! Posted by Picasa


  1. is... is that...
    is that a ROTARY phone?
    where is your computer? at an antique store?
    Maine is that far behind the times?
    it cant be, youre using XP.

  2.'s rotary but you don't use the rotor.

    You just pick up then Betty downtown plugs in and you say something like "Hi, Betty. Can you connect me to Floyd? Thanks. How's your Mom? Oh? Gallstones? That's too bad. Tell her I said I hope she feels better. Yes, I hold. Thanks. You're a lamb." Then Floyd answers.

    It's sweet. And anything you need to know, you can just ask Betty.


Jen White