Monday, October 03, 2005

I Got Wood

"What's that?"

"What's what?"

"That thing on your desk."

"Oh, uh....wood."

"I know it's wood. Where did you get it?"

I pointed out the window. "That tree, in front of the Doctor's office, is dying. So I went over to see it and..umm..this was on the it."


Why, indeed, Gentle Viewers? As the eminent philosopher Yoda once said: ""Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them, do not. Miss them, do not. Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose."

But no Padawan, I. I'm hanging on to it and I don't know why.

Do you?


  1. Clinging you are. Good it is not. Release the wood, gentle Jedi.

    Tee hee.
    The Wrath of You-Know-What

  2. Yep, you DID say that you "got wood" and you're "hanging on to it". Geez, what are we supposed ta think here?

  3. Tree looks to be severly attached by some bug. Nice perspective on the piece, I like it.

  4. You are the cutest.

    I like your wood. It has an organic appeal.

  5. I hope you don't get termites all over the place... ! :-)

  6. Oh, gentle poster, the reason you hold onto it is clear. You realize (as do I) that the famous philosopher Yoda is full of $#!^

  7. I hanging on to my wood? Not right now, no.

  8. To make some more cute but strange Q-Tips????

  9. You sad, sad, sweet man.

  10. I get you completely about the wood.

    I have a beautiful piece I found on Montauk. It's been through a fire and looks like a burnt heart.

    I put it into a friend's hand and he almost dropped it because it scared him so much.

    But he's a lawyer.In my experience they don't do too well with symbolism.

    Keep on collecting (what my now ex )used to call - random shit.

    Now I'll have to try to capture it


Jen White