Sunday, October 23, 2005

Murder of Crows: Sometimes They Get it Wrong

I've posted a shot like this before and was asked if I would allow it to be used to illustrate a children's reading program. I did it because I am a photo credit whore.

This is a new murder of crows which occured this afternoon. I can't help but going out when I see it. The movies are much more dramatic than one photo. There are 6 or 7 trees in the neighborhood with this many or more and they all fly around from tree to tree and caw.

It is traditionally thought that a murder of crows is a sign of impending doom.

Unfortunately sometimes the crows get it wrong.


  1. I wouldn't be that sure!
    This is a very bad sign Jkirlin! :-(

  2. I've never seen that many crows in one place in my life! Circle the wagons, jkirlin!

  3. Strange... Different persons, different beliefs...For me, since I was very young, this bird has been a sign of luck. Not a "cuty" bird but very intelligent!!! But lets say that I'm a little bit crrrraaaazyyyyy....MWAHAHAHAHAHA.!

  4. How appropriate...for this time of year. :)

    And I must say that you take excellent shots of trees. (And I feel privileged saying so too. :))

  5. WOW! that looks scary,don't turn your back on them.

  6. sometime i just wonder where crows original from...
    in my town...we have lots of it..
    sometime they call my town..the crow town


Jen White