Friday, October 07, 2005

A Man Walks Into A Bar....

Well, two, actually. Gentle Viewer Tom W and I got into a brief discussion of the Bar Harbor Bar and Breakwater after he incorrectly identified where my kayak was sitting while I was Mimicking Mick. Gentle Viewer/Location Advisor Tom W, humbles me with his knowledge of this place given that he is 'from away'. I'm sure he was mortified by his error and set about correcting it immediately in the comment section.

Bar Harbor gets its name from a gravel bar which marks one end of its harbor. The bar is a natural geographic phenomenon created by currents and glacial debris. The breakwater, on the other hand was manmade by dropping granite blocks at the south end of the Harbor and still the waters on the inside providing for a much better anchorage.

I am posting some photos to clear up any confusion. I would email them to him but he won't give me his email because he won't join my Church of Scientology or sell my Amway.

Thus beginneth the lesson: The bar is easily accessible as can be seen here...


  1. I grew up not terribly far away from Bar Harbour.

    As always, lovely photos.

  2. I like your site, very clean and great pictures. Well presented, now let me check under the hood. LOL Have a great weekend.

  3. There are certain places you just know that you are playing with fate if you drive your normal non-SUV vehicle onto. Believe me - been there, done that (more than once). Getting a tow truck to pull you out is quite embarassing.

    That said, driving onto this bar is just looking for trouble. But, if the Bar Harbor Town Council gets their way, it will be one more place on the island you can't drive to. Probably for the better, anyway!


Jen White