Monday, October 31, 2005


I'm just kidding. They are actually just 2 views of the smokestack at the old Waterworks that they want to turn into low income housing that I would pay a LOT of income to live in.


  1. Your images invoked strong memories of the many hours my friends and I spent hanging around the Waterworks in the late 70's.(Fortunately,MOST of my brain cells are still intact!)I think its wonderful that here in Maine, we may actually build some new low income housing that is on a prime piece of real estate instead of near Mall-Hell, near the airport or in an industrial park. Hopefully it will be much nicer than the Capehart district.
    I suppose if you really want to live there, we could arrange for an unfortunate lobster fishing accident that would only take out your lower extremities. Then you'd go on SSI-DB, would qualify for housing and could take photographs full-time.
    with Love from your loyal viewer,

  2. They're starting to convert the flour mills on St. Anthony Falls in Minneapolis to high-income condoes. Freaking lucky rich people!


Jen White