Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Get Your Flu Shot, Ya Freaking Big Baby!

This Message Brought to you as a Public Service by The Thing of the Moment, The Center for Disease Control, and The Ad Council.


  1. Aaarg, I still need one and I keep forgetting!

  2. Getting one tomorrow. My employer is paying for us to have them this year. I have a nice employer.

    BTW - My verification word was 'catsze." I love it when it has some kind of odd meaning. Sounds like something Gollum would say. "What has it got in its pocketses? Hope it's not catsze. They make Smeagle sneeze."

  3. Be glad you can get one. I'm in a high risk group, but can't find anyone around here that has them yet. That's what happens when you have to trust a French company (Chiron) because all the American companies stopped making vaccines due to lawyers and lawsuits.


Jen White