Sunday, November 06, 2005

These are vegetables. I'm not sure what kind. Some people EAT these!


  1. i think i know wht is this...


    you never eat before?

    is good to fried it...

    first u cut of the 'head' and 'tail'..

    next u cut the body to small section... about 1 inch per section.

    then you fried it... with garlic and shrimp...


    alternately you could fried it with eggs

  2. those are called Hate Beans because they hate life and all that is good.

    everyone tells you to eat them but it's a trick, I tell you, a trick.

    even though you do make them look soooo green... sooo inviting...

  3. zbjernak: Between this, claws on your own website, and your recipe for hermit crab...I am hereby chriatening you...The Thing of the Moment's Food Columnist.

    Monkey O: You can be The Thing of the Moment's Phood Philosopher. Hate beans, indeed.

  4. jkirlin-> hahaha... well thanks... coz i really love food

  5. Believe it or not, those are the favorites of my daughter and she is only eleven, and she don't like McDo so much, but she loves "poutine", do you want to know what is "poutine"...

  6. Poutine! I thought I would never hear that evil word again. For Gentle Viewers who do not know, our iron bellied neighbors to the north have decided that ketchup is too close to a macrobiotic slad to be poutting it on fries so poutine is fries with...gravy. Now I understand that you put gravy on potatoes but...this is something else. Sometimes it even comes with melted cheese and gravy. OR you could save time and just go to your local hospital and ask for an IV bag full of Crisco.

  7. Me neither I don't like this "poutine". I don't like food that have the name of a Russian President...LOL. But did you heard about GALPOUTE...? Chicken, gravy, fries and cheese all mixed.... Very crazy food...Now I'm at work and my student tells moi that she loves galpoute. She seemed so nice...

  8. My sister forgot an ingredient for the "galpoute", it is small peas...Yearchchchchchh. I may have an iron belly but ...


Jen White