Monday, September 19, 2005

A Kaskade of Kolor by Kirlin and Kindergartener.

I had a student help me with this shot.

We are messing with color tiles after sorting them and making little, I dunno, houses, ducks, you know the drill.

Then I said, "Hey, Little Dude! Toss one in the air and I'll take a picture of it." So he does, and it's ok, nothing great. A little blurry.

So then he says to me: "Mr Kirlin, how about if you set the shutter speed to 1/1600 to cut out background ambient lighting and use the flash which should only illuminate the subject within your short auto focus range. And set the aperture to 2.7 to further blur the background and if you need, you can always darken the background more in your post production processing, except for maybe your door lock, and then brighten your highlights. That should work. WHEEEEEE!"


And it did.


Jen White