Saturday, September 24, 2005

What the hell is this thing??? Does anyone else's Picasa sometime randomly put all these adjustments onto photos? I mean, I don't MIND, because they can be undone..and sometimes it's cool to see what turns out. This is one I'd NEVER do, but once I saw it I thought it was kinda cool, if not my style.


  1. My copy of Picasa never does this. Your computer must hate you ;)

  2. Cool effect - too bad you didn't do it on purpose.

    I've never had this problem.

  3. Mine doesnt either. but I dont use it all that often either.

  4. My picasa mysteriously mixes my photos around however it likes. When I addressed this with picasa support they directed me to look for a hidden file I can't find - huh?


Jen White