Sunday, September 18, 2005

The Shade Replied

Sometimes I draw attention to websites I particularly enjoy.

This one belongs to The Shade Replied or, as his wife calls him "T. Shade Replied".

He is one of the nicest photobloggers I've chatted with and he will actually HELP you if you have questions about little modifications he's made to his template and I steal stuff from him all the time and he hasn't sued me ONCE (yet).

He SEEMS to live in a Mormon filled Western State which won't be identified here to protect his privacy and he at ONE TIME worked for the US Military Industrial Complex that Eisenhower warned us about.

But when he's not spending all his time drving across state lines for coffee or planning new ways to kill us all, he takes some very sweet serene photos.

Except for this one which now has me questioning his sanity.

Go look, Go look! Before he emails me and makes me take this down for the slanderous lies I tell.

Clicking the image will not make it larger this time, it'll take you to his site. There may be a boob or something in there. I dunno.


  1. Lies, lies! Except for those parts which are true, which is to say all of it, except that I steal from you, not the other way around. It’s important to clarify, I have never, in spite of your suggestion otherwise, never planned to kill anyone, although I am not above suing them until they wished they were dead. Also, it’s true my site once was a pop-up porn site featuring matadors and midgets, but now it is family friendly. The only boob you’ll see there, is me. Finally, you can get a good cup of coffee in this Mormom filled Western state, but you have have to go interstate to get a properly made Long Island Iced Tea.

    by the way... Did you ever know that you're my hero,
    and everything I would like to be?

  2. midgets are hot. and once again... i have nothing clever to say other than you make me laugh.

  3. HI Jeff ! First...U need to give yourself more credit :) I love your photos ......and thanx for the scoop on "the Shade Replied"...I've linked him as well on my site....Keep up the great work!
    **sidenote...I will give you the one site-stealing action off mine....(little angry dancers) time?? I will hunt you down and hug you like the dog you are!


Jen White