Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Bangor Theological Seminary Belltower

Left unlocked for some reason. I've lived across the street from this for 11 years and always wanted to go up, not that it's opened for tours or anything. In 2002 they were renovating the tower and I climbed the scaffolding on the outside but didn't dare step into the belfry because it was pitch black at midnight and I had no idea what was in it. This was rectified today. For more images of this than you could possibly want to see (although they've been culled, laanba) click here. If you are looking for images for prosecutorial purposes click HERE.
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  1. You know for all the teasing I do about it, it just wouldn't be you if there weren't a boatload of photos. I would miss it. :)

  2. I had to click on the prosecutorial purposes link. Too funny. Think he is making a case against you?

  3. I had to find out how to "report" you. hahaha


Jen White