Tuesday, July 03, 2007

What's Better Than This?

Is the title of THIS guy's blog.

The Thing of the Moment's summer of meeting other blogger's continuuuuues....
(Can merlinprincesse be far behind?)

Gentle Viewer, Fellow Blogger, and Frequent Commenter S. Patrick Herbert Walker Kaine striking as heroic pose as one can in a visor!

Patrick and I had a simply LOVELY lunch discussing, well, what's discussed in Bar Habor stays in Bar Harbor, but rest assured, if either one of us knows you, your name came up.

"Hi Becky, it's Pat...No, no...I'm not in jail. Listen...No, I'm not calling for a ransom either. It was fine so far. He's seems normal enough from the outside. But when I give the signal, bring the car around FAST, and have the door open already. "


  1. ....and, in the distance, we hear the Kingston Trio singing - 'Will he ever return, no he'll never return, and his fate is still unlearned'......

  2. A few memories of our special visit:

    "I'll be wearing a red rose." So Jeff could find me.

    He wore his work name tag so I knew it was really him. It read: "jkirlin, a nosey, over-enthusiastic, curious, adventurous Photowhore...... Will whore for comments, photocredits, faint praise, loose change or what-have-you."

    He knew the hot little waitresses Mom! (That's how you know you are old, bro.)

    Hot little cruise ship passengers on the sidewalk below. (thank's for the good seat!)

    Jeff got shit on by a gull. And I lied when he asked me if it was on his back!

    And I did that becuase he walked up to some 85 year old lady on a bench and asked "Hi, we just got married in Massachusetts and was hoping you could take our picture?"
    I guess this shot (not yet posted) will be used for blackmale in the near future.

    Oh, and I never properly thanked you for lunch so here goes: You have gull shit on your back.

  3. Mr. SPK, I believe the past tense of "shit" is "shat." My mother once got away with using it in a Scrabble game.

    Jeff, if you really said that to an 85-year-old woman, I just found some new respect for you.

  4. Tom W: Near the very same spot where you and the Mrs. almost turned up missing! Hereis the quote when your name came up: "Oh yeah, it's all about Tom W." That in response to my answer when I get asked why I don't post my images from flickr where they would be larger. "I can't, Tom W is firewalled and can't see them."
    Heh heh. So now we know that The Thing of the Moment isn't about ME, it's all about Tom W.

    SPK: Didn't taste like gull shit.

    Josy: I humbly accept your new found respect. Although in truth, the woman may have only been in her late 70s.

  5. "the woman may have only been in her late 70s"

    Then she was DEFINATELY a smoker!

    And Josy, I married an English major from UCONN and she constantly corrects me on my poor use of dangling participles and adverbs. Your shit/shat will be our discussion on the 12 hour ride home, no doubt!

  6. SPK, you got lunch? Damn, all I got was a furtive walk around the harbor.

    What do I gotta do to get lunch, jk?

  7. That's if you call lunch some old croutons and a packet of equal.

    It's the fellowship that counts, isn't it? Jeff, isn't it? Jeff?

  8. Billy: Be in a town I dare eat in. :)

    spk: And anchovies, don't forget the anchovies. Now THAT is fellowship.

  9. Billy: Don't let the bastard lie to you. We had lobster, filet mignon, anchovies, vodka, crab cakes, ceasar salad and other tasty morstles.

    I love BH. I love being a gentle eater - I mean viewer.


    That's it. I gotta get me to the New England states...


Jen White