Thursday, July 19, 2007

Bill of T U R N O R A M A

Bill and your lowly and humble photographic servant have one thing in common and that's that we are JUST this side of being Howard Hughes style photo recluses.

You can scour T U R N O R A M A and you will see MANY great photos but nary a self portrait. We REAL rock bound Mainers are like that. But being photographers we also jump at the chance of collecting photographic evidence the the other really DOES exist, much like others will try to capture the Loch Ness monster or Bigfoot.

So was it unsettling being two grown men in a parking lot taking photos of each other? Not as much as for anyone who might have seen us.

Poor Bill. He's got that nice Canon 5D but he only has a little HolgaMod lens for it. S'sad, really. I'm trying to encourage him to save up and get a kit lens or something.


  1. Poor Bill, nuthin'. He's pretty durned cute if you ask me.

  2. And lookit who's over there on T U R N O R A M A. Another durned cutie-pie. A-yuh!

  3. What I want to know is this:
    What'd ya have for lunch?
    Oh, and jkirlin, I'm still waiting for the transportation!

  4. *blush*
    When I see that kind of faces, I can fall in love at once! A face with a story.

    Hope you forgive my sponaneous reaction . . it's right out of my heart . .

    Lots of love, Tes (Holland)

  5. Wow, does my face really look that rubbery? Great having lunch with you kirlin - especially since you picked up the check.

    Let's get together again and take some pictures of something other than each other.

  6. You guys have some time to loose! :)I'm sooooo jealous! Hhehehe!

  7. Gee tes, I guess I'm flattered. A face with a story - you mean like when I had my nose busted in high school?

  8. I can't figure out who is cuter. I would have liked to be the photographer spying on the two of you taking "vanity shots."


Jen White