Sunday, July 22, 2007

I've Always Been Averse to Clowns and Mimes

I don't know what THIS thing counts as. Dawn had one of these posted on her photoblog and I left a comment saying how I found them to be a bit creepy. They stand there unmoving, then if you put money in that little bowl it moves around and blows a kiss and then goes back to not moving. Ick.
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  1. Hey! My golden girl was in that spot, too, but on this side of the red line of the freedom trail.


    She made me laugh. I couldn't resist photographing her.

  2. Does this lady not know what happened to Buddy Ebsen when he wore the Tin Man make-up for "Wizard of Oz*"?

    *or as my younger daughter called it when she was small - "Da Wizzer Da Boz"


Jen White