Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Thing of the Moment's Guide to Photographing Dogs®

It's good to not have a TOO shallow DOF.


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  1. MWARGH! It looks like an alien dog from the plaent Koosbah.

    Gotta love it, though. Doggy noses are TEH CUTEST.

  2. And it helps IF YOU DON'T HATE DOGS! heh heh

  3. Now, I've never worried much about DOF or aperture, since my old digital didn't even have the option of controlling it, and my new digital goes from like 3.6-8 (11 if it really wants to cooperate with me), which is almost pointless.

    But I am taking a darkroom photography class at the moment, and we are being FORCED to consider DOF. On film. Where you can't really compare the effects of different apertures until you develop the film, and there's no EXIF data to help for when I can't remember "Hmm, was that f/4.0 or f/5.6?"

    So I am now curious: what aperture did you use here?


Jen White