Monday, December 05, 2005

Instant Karma's Gonna Get You

Gonna look you right in the face
Better get yourself together darlin'
Join the human race - John Lennon


  1. Oh no! Sorry about your car.

  2. DAMMIT. Stupid Grinches, anyway! I can TELL it was a grinch that slammed on their brakes in front of you. So sorry!

  3. Don't you hate it when that happens?? Especially during the holidays.

  4. Egads! What happened? And, can you make any money from it?

  5. C'mon, Kirlin, pony up. What did ya do? And you are alright, right? They're making new cars every day, but jkirlins are one of a kind.

    liiamq - verification word or the sound j's car made when it hit whatever it hit?

  6. Dented cars bite, but at least there is steel between you and what hit you (or is it what you hit?).

  7. Okay, so now show us the picture you were taking at the moment you hit the car in front of you.

  8. laanba: Thanks. :)

    toady joe: Grinchy Grinchersons!

    min: I don't hate it as much as family who now ain't getting nothin! Hee hee..kidding, family who read this blog. *YOU* will get something. But not the others.
    and they shall weep.

    grace: No, but the autoshop will.

    kalani: I have a great attitude for things like THIS. It's everyday annoyances that make me a crazy man. re karma: I ain't telling.

    3LK: He can have it NOW if he likes. :) Actually..I'll get it fixed for him and it'll be ready by 2010.

    wrath: I hit something. :) Something higher than my bumper.

    wireman: I was the last one moving so I think I hit it.

    hbird: Ooo..a comment! me, if I my camera at the scene that would be fully documented like when I drove off the road last March.

  9. poor baby!! *sending an Elmo bandaid* my son swears that they cure all!!
    i think it was that snowman thing.....i told you it looked evil!! *g*

  10. WoW! Are you OK? Is the car going to recover???? Are you going to by a NEW CAR????

  11. Sweet, you wanna pay to get mine fixed too, cause you can if you want too!! Haha, you really did that one in didn't you! No, you aren't MY uncle *wink*wink*!! We are so related and so stupid!!

  12. *kk*: I need more than one.

    merlinprincesse: I'll get it fixed. I love it. *sniff* *wah*!

    sara: SEE?????? (sara drove her car off the road last month and it sustained some damage and I offered as words of consolation that I have wrecked every car I've ever owned. Except for this one. AND I DID NOT KNOCK ON WOOD! AIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!)


Jen White