Saturday, December 03, 2005

That Dock in Southwest Harbor

You know, maybe I'm starting to like these, you Grinchy Grinchersons!!

Love - jkirlin, your holiday flipflopper.


  1. i like the different light sources.
    but it is a bit "cup of hot chocolate", huh??

  2. Is that a cat or an owl...Ya know... Just in the middle... Yep right there???? Or maybe a gnu... Sorry, just learned this word in English and had to use it...

  3. Jeff, you are a mad man!!!! My wife and I laughed pretty hard while reading your note to me!

    The pictures came out nice - it's a shame that they left the stairs on the dock! Why would they ruin your shot???????? Mom and Dad mentioned that they did this and that's why I didn't email you once the tree was up.... uh, er, I mean the bush.

    They have a new facility manager at their condo, so this is the first time they have put up the bush.... we shall have a stern conversation regarding that when we see them.... we are going up for Christmas. We should meet for a cup of coffee!

    Did the lobster pund in Trenton do their traditional lobster trap christmas tree? Or would that be too fabricated for the JK blog???

  4. *kk*: Tiz! Take a big sip!

    merlinprincesse: It's a plastic owl to scare away seagulls. I once saw a seagull perched on one. That was the day I resolved to ALWAYS carry a camera. What is gnu in French. Le Gnu?

    spk: Bro, you are SO on target. I LOVE that thing. It's perfect for The Thing of the Moment, actually. They were putting it together when I went to take this shot. I'll try to get next week.

  5. Le gnou! I think....Yep just checked in my E/F dictionary. Le gnou.... Strange.

  6. Then I say this blog should be called "Le Gnou Of The Moment"

  7. Now you have to find us a picture of le gnou, jk. Or we'll riot.

    Riot, I say!

  8. Isn't this the dock with the "No Trespassing" sign?

    Need I say more?


Jen White