Friday, June 30, 2006


Granted it's poorly composed but I didn't want to crop one pixel. And neither did you.

Update: The famous tore of thought the above photo reminded her of Britney Spears but I was after, and I think quite successfully captured something closer to this.


  1. This picture is great. I love how she's just sitting there, daring you to laugh at the fact that she has a snake wrapped around her neck. And the spotted backgrop is classy. Truly.

  2. Snake! Snake! OOOOO! It's a snake!

    Badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger...

  3. And all for only $5. A bargain!
    Reminds me of Britney Spears.

  4. LOL! You're right -- it would be a crime to crop even a single pixel.

  5. Natassia Kinsky! I remember that pic.
    fantastic flashback.

    I like snakes but I don't wanna wear 'em!

    Your pic's fantastic in a whole nother way.

  6. But what is $5. The woman? The snake? The bitchin' backdrop? I want it all.

  7. caryn: She's actually sitting there daring you to have your photo taken with it for 5 bucks. So basically, I'm shoplifting here.

    wrath: Imagine how the SNAKE feels.

    mr fab: 5 bucks.

    tore: Free for you. Yer family.

    cal: Not yet. Soon.

    gary: :)

    jozee: in a whole nother evil way.

    billy: actually, the pose and photo is free, it's 5 bucks for her to take the snake BACK.


Jen White