Monday, June 05, 2006

Anybody Got Any Of These?

No, not babies.

Barbara and I used to work together. Last summer I saw her at the American Folk Festival dancing with this baby that she claimed was her grandchild. But who am I to question such things? I asked if I could take some photos and said I'd send her copies. Well, I called and left a message, but we never ended up connecting. So here they are.

Got any photos that never made it "home"? Let's see them.

If any of you Gentle Viewers see Barbara, let her know that her photos are ready. :) Posted by Picasa


  1. Great shot J. The top one is one of my favorites.

  2. Thanks, Cal! And the best part was the look on Barbara's face when she saw these photos that meant so

    Oh wait..that part never happened. :)

  3. She looks a bit like Jessica Lange. She is so happy with that baby, isn't she? Lovely.

  4. Most of my family shots are like that. They keep asking for copies of them and I keep forgetting to get them to them.

  5. Wonderful pictures! One is sleeping peacefully and the other is so happy! You should definitely get these photos across to her.

    Then you could post a photo of her looking at these photos. And then you could... alright that's enough!

  6. I just hand delivered your photos to Barabra along with your web address. My apologies to apurv...unlike Mr. K, my camera is not permanently attached to me.
    Barbara's smile always radiates warmth, joy and caring whenever you see her. She was well pleased with your pictures.

  7. TATUNURSE! You ROCK! I didn't even know you were still a Gentle Viewer! Nice to see you again. Tell everyone I said Hi. :)


Jen White