Ok, settle down. I hate year in review things, too. Especially reviewing 2006. Sweet Christ on a Crutch what was THAT nonsense? I'd happily take a pair of scissors to the whole thing and just delete the past year and count myself as one year older if I could. I read today that a poll suggested that Americans were optomistic about 2007. Could it get WORSE? Hell, even *I'M* optomistic that 2007 will be better than that swill headed crap of a year 2006. Good riddance.
But I digress, as I spend these last hours of the year in quiet reflection, I think it's only fitting that I choose my favorite post of the year to share with you once again, so that you, too, may reflect quietly and share your reflections with your loved ones as have I.
And that is YOU, my Gentle Viewers. Yes, only you. When reviewing that post, please look at your comments for THEY are what made it great.
So without further ado...
The Thing of the Moment's BEST POST OF THE YEAR!
(Almost forgot... Happy New Year, Mary Travers, wherever you are!)
A Monumental and Majestic Work of Epic Proportions by your lowly and humble photographic servant.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006

Oh screw it...
I rummaged around in my pocket and found this quarter and thought, "This is good enough. Frozen Moments is just going to win again anyway." Heh heh.
Old South Meting House Flower

Thursday, December 28, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
And It Came To Pass
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Portrait of a Re-Gift

Merry Christmas.
Posted for Moody Monday: Re-Gifting

Saturday, December 23, 2006
zkirlin Demonstrating Further Genetic Distance From jkirlin
A Free* White Christmas Holiday Template
Friday, December 22, 2006
And So This is Christmas. And What Have You Done? Another Year Over, And a New One Just Begun.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
From the 'Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should' Desk

(This post dedicated to S. Patrick Kaine: Father, Husband, Photographer, Blogger, Gentle Viewer, Commentor, and now when I tell him how I did these - Fellow Macrobator.)
Submitted to Macroday: Mobile because...ummm...a subway token let's you be more mobile? Yes? No? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Love* Shouldn't Hurt

This broken faced porcelain Santa cheerily submitted to Macroday: Christmas.
Gentle Viewer Kimberly brings up a very apt Christmas quote: You'll shoooot your eyyyye out!
Introducing The Thing of the Moment: Two Point Oh

The Thing of the Moment is 2 years old today so I asked The Thing of the Moment what it wanted for it's birthday and the sweet little devil said it wanted a little brother!
Lorissa (the nicest owner/operator/customer serivce person on the internet. Think of Bill Gates answering his own phone and being nice and helpful) and the folks at My Expressions have consistently impressed me with their kindness and helpfulness to a noncustomer photoblogger, and the fact that they can even make The Shade Replied look good made me think I ought to give them a try.
But prior to that, personal trainer torekimi suggested that if I want to have someplace to show my GOOD images (aren't they ALL good?) that maybe I want a place with fewer Uranus jokes.
So now you dSLR snobs, a One Photo per Post snobs, and anti-blogger snobs, and EXIF data snobs, and Uranus joke snobs (Oh, no, that's ME) can have your own little The Thing of the Moment. Also affectionately known as jkirlin.net.
The old The Thing of the Moment? Now also known as jkirlin.com. (Thanks go to the webmasters at the John J Kirlin Construction Company in Maryland and various cybersquatters for not renewing the name AGAIN)
Thursday, December 14, 2006
The Thing of the Moment's Holiday List of Truths!!

a. You'll receive many wishes of Peace on Earth and Goodwill towards men.
b. People will drive just a little bit nicer and when they raise their hands to wave, all fingers will be up.
c. Unfortunately a few of the gifts you'll be blessed with will need to be returned but are cherished just the same.
d. jkirlin will tell you he wrote a Christmas song for you and sing your name over and over to a variety of Christmas tunes long past the point it feels awkward.
e. All of the above.
f. Screw the rest, only d is true.
This Holiday Quiz brought to you by the Holiday Elves at The Thing of the Moment.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006
"Hurry UP, You Fool!"
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Alt Entry: Macroday: Head
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