A Monumental and Majestic Work of Epic Proportions by your lowly and humble photographic servant.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Sliding Hill
Can't Stop Making Sausage.

Jeff Thibeau
This photo was taken with the Kodak Brownie 2 and developed but not printed. So I took the negative and put it on my computer monitor on a blown up blank mail file to get something close to white. Then I took a photo of it with the Panansonic FX01 which kept showing up as a reflection so I held it back and them zoomed in to the photo. THEN...I opened it in Photoshop, inverted the negative for a positive, had some weak colors, made it black and white, increased the contrast and viola, an evening wasted.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
The Versatile Rubber Band
It makes a colorful seasonal centerpiece and low fat snack...
It can restore of cover of your aged rubber band ball...
It can convert all your lenses to Canon's L Series Lenses.
Visit The Thing of the Moment Store for your very own
Canon L Series Conversion Kit.
$299.99 with FREE shipping if ordered within the next hour.
Act now!
Maine residents add 5% sales tax.
Each kit converts up to 5 Lenses.
Camera and lenses shown not included.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Saturday, February 17, 2007
"Why Do You Have a Deer Skull on Your Desk?"
Help me come up with good reasons with this little quiz.
A. Because the human one was too creepy to have out of the box.
B. It just makes me smile.
C. The heat from the TV made something drip.
D. Other_________________.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
A Tree in Ice Blah Blah Blah
A Tree in Winter Blah Blah Blah
Another in a series of The Thing of the Moment's neverending quest to take photos through alternative forms of lenses for God kows what reason.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
George Ficus Benjamina Bush
Posted for Lensday: Green
Posted for Lensday: Green (Again)
Posted for Thursday Challenge: Green
Posted for PhotoSharks: Plant
Posted for Macroday: Green
Monday, February 12, 2007
I'm IT!
One word: 'norovirus'.
You can have your little eboooooooolas, and your little anthraaaaaaaaxs, but I survived (barely) the dreaded norovirus with it's sharp teeth and long fangs! Rar!
Posted for Moody Monday: Toxic.
Note to coworkers: I'll be back to work tomorrow but NO LICKING ME! (for 2 weeks anyway)
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Best Buy - Best.Service.Ever!
This post is ONLY to contrast the service received at Bangor Photo, our local Mom and Pop photo joint, and the evil Big Box joint.
Evil Big Box Joint rules! And not just because did what they said they were going to do in less time than the reasonable amount of time they said it would take. But because on a Saturday when the store was FULL of people in line behind me, they stopped what they were doing and listened to my issue, took down the info, and sent my camera out. Then when I went to pick it up. They just handed it to me.
They didn't act like I was bothering them for asking for assistance or STUPID for ummm...requiring the camera to NEED service (which I was).
Viva la Big Box store!
USCG Bridle or Tackle
I'd be able to tell you for sure but I didn't have a camera with a better zoom this morning. (The batteries were dead in my Canon Powershot S2, the Canon Rebel XTi is in the shop for reasons I'd rather not discuss until I get it back, and I can't get film developed for the Holga CFN120 or Kodak Brownie 2 so I just had the little Panasonic FX01*) It's ONE of them though.
The Bridle is from Southwest Harbor and the Tackle is from Rockland. I have tried to wrangle every Coast Guard connection I have to get a ride on one of them, but alas. This is as close as I could get today.