A Monumental and Majestic Work of Epic Proportions by your lowly and humble photographic servant.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Proud to be Shamed
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
Shutterday: It Ain't Easy Being Green
Aren't all pixels green? Like don't they need green to make white or something?
This back scratcher submitted to ShutterDay: It Ain't Easy Being Green
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Samoset Resort in March
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Photoblogging Shouldn't Hurt.
Until then...if you can't get enough of The Thing of the Moment SE (Stalled Edition) feel free to browse the EXTENSIVE archives.
WARNING! THIS IS NOT A HIATUS! ALTHOUGH YOU *WISH* I AM NOT ENDING THIS PHOTOBLOG! DO NOT CALL MY HOME! I'm just posting this for Gentle Viewer tmt who begged me to post something because she was getting sick of looking at my radio entry for Shutterday.
Friday, March 16, 2007
The Enormous Radio

John Cheever wrote a short story by this title in which the radio allowed it's owners for better or worse to listen in on the lives of other tenants in their building.
I liked the concept so at night, before I settle in for some Fibber McGee and Molly or Jack Benny, I scan the airwaves to see what's going on. Sometimes I get lucky and something is going on within walking distance and when it does, I carry my daguerrotype and glass slides down to the street and try to capture the images for posterity.
And you are the better for it.
Moved to the head of the line for ShutterDay: Radio, Radio.
Favorite radio song: Radio Ga Ga.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Maine: The Way Life Should Be.
"Roof roof."
Ya knoooow....some people paint their little hometowns and their States in the best possible light. Or at least not the worst. I think I'm done. You stick your dogs on your roof instead of taking them outside or walking them and you'll see them here on The Thing of the Moment.
This photo taken just down the street from the place where the homeless kids found a murdered woman wrapped in comforter while they were ACTUALLY thinking they had found a dead dog and we're cutting into the comforter/tarp combo to see it after dragging her out of the snow. She had been dropped behind a shed after a short wheelbarrow trip from the actual murder scene by the confessed murderer who ALSO brazenly admitted that he used the wheelbarrow AFTER being explicitly told he couldn't use it.
But you can rest comfortably because the unsolved murder where they found a homeless guys burning body a year ago? That was like a HALF mile away.
But Bangor's biggest shame? James Tobin lives here and Todd Verow is FROM here.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Goodbye Main St. Holiday Inn in Bangor, We Hardly Knew Ye.
It's getting sliced up like a big wedding cake. I was SO hoping for an implosion. Or at LEAST one of those big wrecking balls.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Moody Monday: Absent
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Only S. Patrick Kaine Will Care About This
I know that big telephoto lenses aren't cool in the 'real' photoblogging community but I think they are cool as freaking hell. Whenever I feel like trying something out, my favorite target is the weathervane on top of the steeple of the Hammond Street Congregational Church (left in the top photo). I can clearly see it with a pair of binoculars but always have more trouble with the cameras. Light, humidity, hand tremors, and luck was on my side today.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Detail of Slow Children Playing Sign

It COULD read: Dismembered Alien Dandy with a Hersey's Kiss on his head running in front of the Sun.
Moved from the archives for Shutterday: Signs, Signs, Everywhere Are Signs.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Bye, Bye Bounty!
Bangor's Holiday Inn and Bounty Tavern torn down to make way for a new casino.
"Last Call! You don't have to go home but you can't stay here! Guhnight!" - Joel Rudom.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Another Lesson Learned
to take photos of something INTERESTING.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Friday, March 02, 2007
Guest Photographer: Kelly Evans
Kelly and I used to work together and now keep in touch by gmail. Though in neighboring states we were both home for snow days under the same storm. One of us mentioned Snow Angels, and Kelly, always the doer while I was always the talker, jumped at the chance and sent along proof. Look for her upcoming photoblog as soon as I can convince her to start one.
And like that..a monster created. Her new blog is here.