Monday, April 10, 2006

There's A Million Stories In the Naked City And One Of Them's Mine! See?

She was a dame, and I made the mistake of falling in love. You can't love a dame like her. See?

...Ok, this is silly.

What REALLY happened is I was randomly hitting the random photoblog button and saw this and thought it was a cool idea and maybe I should steal it like I do all my best ideas. The only images of skyscrapers I had that weren't taken fromthe street were some photos I took in Chicago from the Sears Towers Observation thing in the summer of 2003 with my little 2.0 Megapixel Fuji.

Enjoy. And my apologies go out to punkclown or Cameron or whoever he is.


  1. I see the "city" but where is the "naked"? You disappoint me Kirlin.

  2. At least you're honest. :-) These are pretty cool.

  3. Yeah! Those buildings are all wearing... well... girders and stuff! We been stiffed!

    I demand my money back... never mind.

  4. A Chi town, had some good times there!

    OK, guy, you got my goat about the upclose and focused stuff, so I threw a couple things up with you in mind :) Take a peak over at my joint.

  5. Hey jkirlin,

    You have a great blog. I'm definitely going to add it to my favorites.

    If you want to meet hot horny teens in CHICAGO, visit my website.

  6. chicago.......
    cool looking city...
    and yes, tht sears towers...
    they keep on arguing that they are taller than the malaysian's twins!

    and they wouldnt agree to the international tall building federations' decision!

  7. GJW - WTF?

    Mr. Fab - Yeah, me too. Jkirlin is such a tease!

  8. Oh J, please forgive me, but... hey where is the naked? *giggle*

    Very cool city grouping! ; )
    Hmmm...the second from the top has me spooked. Like waiting for Godzilla to walk in and stomp on all the buildings.. looks like a movie set...something is just about to happen. Ya know what I mean?

    Big city smooch,
    The Tart

  9. Dawn: I just mashed together some spam comments and e-mails that I've received over the years. I thought it sounded a bit like JK'c omment on my blog ;-)

  10. shade: I'll give you a hint. My title after I tire of 'jkirlin, your lowly and humble photographic servant' will be 'jkirlin, naked photographer'.

    caryn: As soon as I find some local topography that looks like your Southern Utah I am TOTALLY copying you!

    wrath: You said 'stiffed'

    montery john: NOW I FEEL LIKE I HAVE BEEN COPIED WHICH I.....would
    uh..... never.........umm... Sweet Macro Bro!

    gary: Do you need my CC Number for that?

    mr fab: We all hope for that.

    wrath: I baited him. I landed on his site using the random button and told him so and that I enjoyed his blog and he ought to consider becoming a photographer. :) Which traditionally is answered by Spam for NAKED TEENS in (Your City Here)

    Tart: I spend my life waiting for 'someting that is just about to happen.'

    abhi: It could beat up New York if New York didn't carry a shiv!

    gary: I always sound like NAKED TEENS.

    (Note to self: Must put word Naked in posts more often)

  11. Hey, no need to apologise, I'm glad someone actually notices my photos from time to time! My "high city" polaroid is hardly original either - I did like the seeming old fashioned look the B&W gave it...reminded me of the old days where occupational safety was not even heard of and workers had their lunch on girders hundreds of feet up!
    (That's it! All I needed for my shot was a worker having their lunch halfway up a building!)
    I like your photos and I like your blog, as someone once said, "I'll be back" !


Jen White