Sunday, April 03, 2005


Several years ago, I was on this magic trick kick. It was The Thing of the Moment® then.

I learned several things that I still carry with me today.

1. The hand IS quicker than the eye which has a 'shutter speed' of 1/50th of a second.
2. Things are not as they seem, even if you are CERTAIN they are.
3. The real stuff happens when and where you aren't looking.
4. There are 2 types of people. Those who like magic and those who don't. Of the people who LIKE magic, there are 2 types. Those who want to know how the trick is done and those who don't.

The 'people who don't want know how the trick is done' earned my undying respect with their sincere wishes and hopes that there IS magic.

Posted by Hello


  1. Hey, is that the finger from the Wendy's chili?

  2. Reminds me of the time at Christmas when I told my sister I had bougt some civil war general's finger at a curio shop. I had a little ring box, cut a hole in the bottom, put my finger through it with some cotton beneath. As I opened the box, the finger moved. Everyone jumped a mile. It was great. I've never been forgiven.

  3. I love the finger in the box gag. Coincidentally THIS came from a Civil War Curosity Shop. I just removed the bone and viola! Magic Trick!

  4. Have you read "The Man Who was Magic"? I think it's by Paul Gallico. He must compete in a competition against charlatans who know tricks,and are afraid of his real magic. For children and adults. Good book.

  5. the finger in the wendy's chili... youve found it!!

  6. That looks exactly like your finger: size, consistency and grooming


Jen White