Sunday, January 01, 2006

A Ladybug in its Natural Environment II

That is if its Natural Environment is inside a bathroom sized Dixie Cup covered with the small pane of glass from a wallet sized picture frame I had on my desk.

The initial photo 0f this long running series can be found here.


  1. Bugs. Ick. Underside of bug. Even ickier!

    But you are still the Macro King. All hail jkirlin!

  2. You have to tell me how you took that pic. Is she still alive. Did you ate her. (have to tell you about this story of mine...:o)) I love bugs!!!! They are really excellent with mustard... Macro King YEP

  3. Were any ladybugs harmed in the making of this shot?

  4. wrath: which reminds me of the schoolyard joke. "Have you ever smelled mothballs? How did you get him to spread his legs?"

    Merlinprincesse: You mean besides the bathroom sized dixie cup and picture frame glass?

    Chemical: Harmed? No. Humiliated? Maybe. So maybe some psychological harm.

  5. nice...
    the way the ladybug against the white background
    really nice

  6. i love this pic jkirlin ... it feeds my ladybird fetish ... ta muchly :>


Jen White