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Tuesday Photo
Although the alternative did give me a chuckle but I'll save it for Half Nekkid Thursday.
After a few minutes I noticed that this photo has a gut churning, ear popping, eye watering, take the bull by the horns OVER SATURATION thing going on that I have NO EXPLANATION for except that somehow...
I blame Neene. She distracted me. Not that we were talking or anything, but you know..she is just online and stuff with her quiet and dignified presence.
Click here for the nice water colory NORMAL photo that doesn't make me say 'Sweet Jesus' when I look at it.
(And yes I REALIZE I am only splitting hairs and that unless you have a properly calibrated monitor you won't even know what I'm talking about. When people tell me offline in conversation that they don't know what I'm talking about, I scream at them: 'CALIBRATE YOUR MONITOR!' It usually confuses them further because I rarely discuss photos or computer issues offline.)