Tuesday, October 03, 2006

We Took jkirlin To Dinner And All We Got Was This Lousy Post.

Gentle Viewer, Frequent Commenter, and Location Advisor TomW and his wife Mrs TomW.

TomW has been commenting and telling me better places to take photos in my own backyard since nearly the beginning of The Thing of the Moment. He knows this area like only a tourist could. Which means he appreciates it like people should, goes everyplace and takes nothing for granted. And he even DARES wear a Yankees shirt while doing it. He called last week during his recent vacation and suggested we meet and because I've always been curious who this halfCommie commenter is, I jumped at the chance.

We walked along the Shore Path and admired this cruise ship and not once did TomW yell out and curse the rich. He was very well behaved. We had a lovely dinner at Geddy's Pub (Hi again Geddy!) and then they beat a hasty retreat back to their cabin, vowing I'm sure, to cross off 'meeting bloggers' from their future vacation plans. I, however, had a lovely time.


Jen White