A Monumental and Majestic Work of Epic Proportions by your lowly and humble photographic servant.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
You Never Know Who You Might See.
Peter Gammons....ok...
Hideki Matsui and Joe Torre....ok....cool.
Derek Jeter....
My Landlord Went to See The Boston Red Sox and All I Got Was My Camera Back.
Well, and some very jkirlin photos. Guest photographer: mward.
mrancourt, rpelkey, mward, rpelkey (the pizza king). Guest photographer: ?????
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Smith Corona Portable Typewriter
Sort of a keyboard connected directly to the printer without RAM and CPU or monitor. I know. Scary.
Posted for See It Sunday: Portable. Backstory here (Must EVERYTHING HAVE A BACKSTORY?)
The Hemp Converse All Stars
George Washinton grew hemp. I know this because back when I delivered pizzas there was one house of stoners who always paid with a fist full of Ones with a speech bubble stamped onto the bill by George Washington's mouth that said 'I grew hemp.'
That's how you had to learn things before Wikipedia, Dudes.
Posted for Macroday: Rubber and lying in wait for Macroday: Hemp.
Friday, April 27, 2007
People at Work®: The Bricklayers
I found Joe, Jimmy, and John working on a chimney down the street and I've decided the People at Work® series is much more fun when there is mugging for the camera. You can see more of People at Work®: The Bricklayers here.
And other People at Work® here.
Born to Spawn
These are baby salmon or 'alevins'. They are being raised at school to augment our school breakfast program which is surprisingly low on Lox.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Rock Blogster - Emily Burnham

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Blue Tacoma
Why Blue Tacoma?
Because it's easier than yelling "Hey! I can post these photos to flickr for you and you can take a look when you get back home if you have a pen you can write in your hand THE......THING.......OF........."
So I just made the International Sign of the dorky photographer/steering wheel and pointed to both parking lots and could hear 'BLUE TACOMA' to which I dropped off 3 very pretentious genuine The Thing of the Moment cards.
The Kenduskeag has SUCH a short whitewater season.
More photos of the Blue Tacoma Boys can be seen here.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
2007 Kenduskeag Stream Canoe Race
If Blogger and Picasa EVER work together again, I may also post some on here: Your Unofficial Guide to All Things That I Think Are Cool: The Thing of the Moment.
(Taking photos of canoes capsizing in 38 degree water? Cool. Doing it? Cool for you, maybe.)
Flickr Gallery: 2007 Kenduskeag Stream Canoe Race