Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Dude, Just Keep Drinking It, It Seems to Be Working For You

One day last winter I was exhausted after a day of skiing and riding the ski club bus and I happened to mention to Jenny Rainmaker that your Cold War Lovin' lowly and humble photographic servant bought a radiation detector on eBay and up pops the hat from the seat in front of us and the 79 year old man who had outskied me all day whirled around and asked if he could borrow it because he was afraid he had Radon in his drinking water.
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  1. Yeah, but he drinks water. Have you checked your diet coke lately?

  2. YOU RIDE THE SKI BUS??? That's for old people and jr high kids dude!!

  3. Anon: Yeah...tickticktickticketyticktickticktick

    tmt: Yeah..exactly. And I'm no Jr High kid.


Jen White