Saturday, October 04, 2008

I'm No Cow

But that hay looks YUMMY!

Maybe I'm cow-ish.

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  1. Since you believe you may be cow-ish, here is a song just for you.

    If the HTML works, that is.

  2. Nah, you're not a cow. You are a horse, of course.

  3. Hello Jeff,

    My name is Dan and I am a former Mainer (went to UMO for my bachelor's degree). I've been following your page for about a year (can't remember how I stumbled upon it...are you associated with the Bangor Daily somehow?) and I love seeing what's new (and old) up there. I miss it like mad.

    Anyway, I am the editor of a lit/photo journal called Waterlogged August Magazine ( and I was hoping I might be able to interest you in submitting some of your work to us. We're looking for new content and since I happen to enjoy your photography, I'd love to get some of it up on our site.

    We're also looking for writers, painters, musicians, etc. for our page, so if you know of any, please point them my way.

    Thanks and great work on your page here.

    Dan Cavallari
    Waterlogged August Magazine


Jen White