Monday, November 24, 2008


Reposted for Moody Monday: Vengeful
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  1. okay, see, this is one of my irritating qualities-- I always, always, have to give the benefit of the doubt to these supposed idiots... I imagine that maybe they were me and the person originally in the left spot was way in their spot. Just like on the road-- I feel automatic embarrassment for the other drivers, like they are personifying my own inadequacies!

  2. I say if you can't park the bleepin' thing better than that, don't take it out of the driveway.

  3. When I saw the title to this post on my blog links, I thought maybe you were referring to my friend, Henk. (I call him Dumbass, and he calls me Bitch. But we mean it in a friendly manner.) I thought, " nice. Kirlmeister remembered our upcoming trip (a little over a day away now)." I shoulda known better.
    You dumbass. ;^)

  4. I can't stand that! You should take these with you.

  5. You should've parked right behind him. So close that your bumpers were touching.

  6. You didn’t look in front of the vehicle and see the Special Human Idiot Transport reservation placard.


Jen White