Monday, June 01, 2009

You Can Tell I Didn't Have a Ladder the way living room wall is not the background.
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  1. You can tell that I didnt have a ladder also... by the way the sign is still hanging. :)

  2. I like it. I like Joe's comment too.

  3. Hmmm... I believe that was Jeff's point, also. Had he had a ladder, the sign would have been hanging on his living room wall with all the other roadside plunder he's stolen, er, accumulated over the years, er, months, er last day and a half or so.

    (oh, why oh why won't comment let you use the html for striking??!?)

  4. Well, I know what Joe is saying. He wishes he'd had the ladder BEFORE the election. Joe and I are at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Our friendship is based on the fact that we both think Obama is trying to turn the US into a Socialist State. The difference is, I'm HOPING for it. :)

    It's also based on the fact that he'll BUY anything (but a neckstrap).

  5. One of these days Mean Don is going to have had enough of you.


Jen White