Wednesday, September 21, 2005


*whew* It took all DAY to get this series of shots.

This is the mansion that Gentle Viewer Tom W identifies as New Maine.

I'd show you a photo of his other comment on the place at the head of Somes Sound but it just looks like any house built 6 feet from the road blocking an otherwise 12 mile view straight down the only fjord on the US East Coast.

The Rockefellers and Fords (Old Maine) came here and made nice with the locals and blended in and are still fondly spoken of. Martha Stewart (New Maine) frequently calls the local police when people turn around in her driveway.

This home is owned by the heirs to the Campbell Soup fortune. It's a little place I like to refer to as 'home.' Now go eat more soup. Go! Shoo! And quit taking pictures of my house. I'll call the cops!


  1. this is awesome...
    and amazing how one can afford such luxury by just selling soup!

    now...i need to get my granny recipe of fried pork... perhaps i could one day be their neighbour

  2. Wow, now that is patience.

    It’s sad to see a beautiful section of coastline being used like that.

  3. I'm going to make sure I don't eat Campbells Soups anymore!

    Now, if only you can use Photo Shop or a similar product to show a tsunami hitting that "house"...

    Your comment about Martha reminds me of a similar situation. Back about 5 to 7 years ago, the Indian Point Nature Conservancy location closed it's convenient parking area and only offered the parking area by the main road, with about a mile hike to the ocean. All because a neighbor near the original parking area got bent out of shape because a nitwit tourist parked in front of his driveway because the area was full. I heard he made a big stink, and basically forced them to close that parking area. So people with disabilities can't go there anymore, unless they are driven in and the driver has to walk into the site to join them.

    This bugs me because I have severe arthritis, recently had a knee replacement, and also have moderately severe asthma, so I have not been able to walk there for the past 3 years.

    Lesson here: the "well-to-do" get what they want at everybody else's expense far too often!

    Back off my soapbox. I enjoyed the photos. Keep 'em coming!

  4. Similar but not exactly the same. Chicago used to have Meigs Field which was a very small public airport only for private jets and it sat right on a beautiful strip of Lake Michigan. Mayor Daley just shut it down one day in a highly controversial move - open one day, the next morning construction equipment in there - and took it over for a public park.

    Power to the people!

  5. I agree with the comments above. Very intelligent people. Even if I live in a nice appartment(spacious and not to expensive), people around me are very ordinary people. Four out of five family does not have a job in my neighbourhood. (I'm the one working). Downtown they call it. Quebec has it's problems too. Many persons around me are on welfare. And I've noticed over the years that in our little corner of the world, we have less rights than in places where rich people live... So it's the same all over the world. And for the pics, very nice as usual. So in Maine it's like in Quebec, the weather IS changing very rapidly in ond DAY?


Jen White