My friend Nancyleah, the train wreck maven, has a friend Dr. Sydney, the ballerina, who asked if perhaps I could take a photo of her pointe shoes and referred me to some dude who has all these shots of old pointe shoes and said she wanted something different. Which meant I wasn't going to work my way into a dance studio this time around, but that is beside the point(e). In her email she explained how she compared dancing to flying and there we have it...instant 'Not needing to give it any more thought.'

So Nancyleah and Sydney and I went to a park and threw pointe shoes into the air for an hour or so to try to capture images of pointe shoes in flight. There were also images of shoes hitting heads and cameras, and looking for shoes that had rolled under bushes.

It was a happy coincidence if a photo even HAD a shoe in it, let alone the sort of image we were looking for.
THAT my Gentle Viewer is why God invented Digital Cameras.
Shoot, shoot, shoot, cull, cull, cull.
The images in the second and third set can be seen