A Monumental and Majestic Work of Epic Proportions by your lowly and humble photographic servant.
Friday, March 27, 2009
IMG0202, Where Are You?
Fascinating, huh?
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Facebook Icons
My friends are letting me take photos of them that they sometimes use as their facebook icons making my little friends list a sort of Thing of the Moment Portrait Gallery. Now if I only had more than these 4 friends.
Posted for Roberta who is getting sick of not seeing people. :)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Chickadees by Sue Heinonen
To which I reply: "Art? Huh? Wha?"
HOWEVER, I do own one thing that I consider 'aht, deah.' and this is a detail from that. Sue Heinonen once hired me to be the stock boy at a little candle shop in a mall I used to hang out in, in addition to giving me a buck or so and hour to change water tanks she shaped the very pliable and suggestable jkirlin into the person he is today. She probably KNEW this was possible and better her than other kids hanging out at the mall.
Besides a mentor, she was, and is, an AMAZING artist. This detailis from a pencil work she did one year for my Mom who demanded I take it back when she passed away and, well, now I have it.
Submitted for Macroday: Illustration
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
What Do Our Hearts Treasure?
A Venus Paradise 114 Poppy Red 3 Colored Pencil
How do I know this? Linda Herbert Walker Dinsmore, the teacher across the hall, was mentioning that kids were fighting over this red pencil and not wanting to use seemingly fine Crayola or Scholastic colored pencils. They liked the color better and said it filled in easier when they were trying to color.
So I thought I'd just Google it and find the company and we could order more or something.
The only Venus Paradise pencils I could find were 55 dollars for a box of 12 for sale as vintage from the late 1950s.
Kids KNOW quality!
Saturday, March 07, 2009
A Lensbaby Warning
That's all I'm Sayin'.
This Public Service Message brought to you by The Lensbaby 3G with Super Wide Angle Adapter Lens, (Did I mentioned I had one of these) and your Cold War Lovin', eBay Shoppin', lowly and humble photographic servants here at The Thing of the Moment
Thursday, March 05, 2009
The Lensbaby 0.42x Super Wide Angle Lens Review!
As one or two Gentle Viewers may have noticed. I sort of have this thing with Lensbaby.
Lensbaby's latest addition to their line of accessories is the Lensbaby .042x Super Wide Angle Lens.
This lens is great at 21mm for indoor shooting, close ups, AND for we smaller sensor folks. The Lensbaby's native 50mm is a bit close for some of the shooting I do so I kept the Lensbaby 0.6 Wide Angle lens attached by default. But THIS new lens really gives great coverage and closer to the Full Frame users Lensbaby experience. The sweet spot of sharp focus is smaller with this lens also.
Here is the worm in the apple and it's no fault of Lensbaby, but rather my poor breeding and my optometrist. I'm blind as a bat, (Answering a lot of questions about many of my photos for most of you regular Gentle Viewers) and have some difficulty seeing to focus this. The Super Wide Angle makes some things so small I really had to strain to see it. Your experience may vary but I felt it important enough to mention. You can also see the edge of this lens sooner than I had expected when bending it but it didn't take away from most of the test shots.
My conclusion: Buy this. Buy it as your first accessory. The rest you can buy to show off but for the biggest bang for your buck, this 80 dollar lens will open up whole new vistas for you.
Lensbaby 50mm image without wide angle lens adapter.
Lensbaby 21mm image with 0.042x Wide Angle Lens (This Lensbaby SpokesModel was not paid in any way for his endorsement. - Not even in SWAG!) ;)
Upon further review focusing the Lensbaby with the Super Wide Angle is eaiser to focus with an aperture ring in, even if it'sjust the 2.8. I apparently had taken it out to be all Lensbaby Hardcore. Just put one in like a normal person and it's totally cool.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
This Is The Cutest Bill I Will Ever Pay
So after my appointment for the cleaning where I asked many of you what this odd 'floss' was that everyone talked about I get this tiny little bill in the mail.
That had my name TYPED on the top..not printed on a printer... but tappitytappitytapptiytapDING typed
AND my totals written in by HAND.
THIS is the sort of service that makes me wish I had more than one tooth left!
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
The Thing of the Moment's 3rd Annual Moscow Subway FareCard Quiz and Talent Show
Q: Does our lowly and humble photographic servant carry this Moscow Subway Farecard with him at all times because______
1. it was a gift from his very patient friend, fellow photographer and photoblogger, the lovely Svetlana Tazhetdinova, who felt her name wasn't exotic enough so she goes by 'Ginger'.
2. he wants to throw off investigators who may one day find his bloated and faceless corpse after cutting through the ice to retrieve it from the river.
3. "When is the talent portion of this?"
5. Other __________________
No cheeding, you cheeders.