Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Long Slow Death of the Canon XSi Shutter Mechanism

Ok, it wasn't that long OR slow really.

I'm MINDING my own business, shooting happily away and I get an 'err 99' code which tells me to turn the camera off and on and take the battery out. etc. Basically busy work. When I get home, I call Canon and they tell me to clean the contacts, during the course of which, I happen to lift the mirror and glance in at the shutter mechanism, or rather, what's left of it. Uuuuugly....

The good part? My obsessive need to carry multiple cameras. Because as we speak, there is not a large piece of plywood, covering the missing window high over the streets of Chicago on the 94th floor observatory of the John Hancock Center from which a Canon XSi with a broken shutter mechanism was thrown.

I just switched the lens to the XTi and dug out a point ansd shoot. THAT is why I have 2 Rebels instead of a 40D. Coincidentally the XSi and the 40D have the same shutter mechanism, but the highly reliable XTi has the old XT Shutter mechanism. So there!
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  1. A new photographic art form? Perhaps they'll name it The Kirlin! :-)

  2. I can't believe you are already having problems with it. It couldn't withstand the Carnie onslaught huh.

  3. Oh dude, that is SO not cool. How on earth does a shutter mechanism fall apart?!

  4. Well, no, technically you now only have one Rebel.

    At least you won't be carrying as much gear around the Folk Festival. ;)

  5. UGGGGH is that your brand new camera????

  6. DUDE -- You got to ride a SEGWAY!!

  7. It made a good post. Cameras are expensive toys, with all these breakable parts on them. Argh!


Jen White