Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Ventsi and I, moments after the first time I was ever picked up at the Airport by a chaffeur. Normally I get picked up by pimps who make me work for them until my debts are paid.

Ventsi and I had lunch at a Bulgarian Restuarant because Ventsi could tell that I clearly needed to eat ameal not handed to me through my driver side window once in my life.

Somewhere in the world, right now, Michael Jordan is standing at the base of a statue of Ventsi and I.

The obligatory TtV shot. Now he would never admit it, even to himself because of his grace and dignity, but anyone else would be calculating how much money they are losing carting my ass around.

You can see more of Ventsi's and my adventure here.
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  1. Hmm... Somewhere in the nether world where that statue might exist is a



    PIGEON (or 50)!

  2. Ventsi!!!!!
    We miss you!!!
    BG! BG! BG!


Jen White