Friday, September 22, 2006

Cheryl's Got Deck

Cheryl's cool. Crazy, but cool. Last time I saw her she locked herself out of her apartment and like a Seinfeld episode claimed the stench of the locksmith never left the building so she moved across the street to this place which has a sweet deck. She's very proud of it.
I found that she had Googled me and The Thing of the Moment from work the other day NO DOUBT LOOKING FOR THE PHOTOS THAT WE HAD A BIG CAMERA PULLING FIGHT WHILE CAREENING THROUGH THE STREETS OF BOSTON OVER. How's that for a sentence? These aren't them. She DELETED THOSE WHILE WE WERE CAREENING WILDLY THROUGH THE STREETS OF BOSTON! She claims it was only 2 photos and might have been but I'm not going to post the others because she will hunt me down and kill me. Sorta makes you wonder what they were, huh? Anyway, here are 2 for her enjoyment for her next slow time at work.

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Jen White