Saturday, December 01, 2007

The Thing of the Moment's Guide to Survival in the Woods®

Dear Woodsgoing Gentle Viewers

If one must venture into the woods it's best to immediately start finding materials to make a shelter in case you can't find your way out and have to live there forever falconing and eating berries to survive.

I tossed together this little lean-to as an example just using native stone and scraps of wood and branches found nearby.

You are Welcome.

The Thing of the Moment, It's All About The Public Safety.
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  1. *cough, cough, choke, choke* YOU giving out woods survival tips?! Funny, Kirlmeister, funny.

  2. Yeah, Jefferino, you slay us.

  3. spur of the moment thing, this little lean-to, huh?!
    well, I guess it's *decent*...


  4. You can fool some of the people some of the time....
    You did not not build that shelter, unless your name is Charles Savage, who built Asticou Terraces near Thuya Lodge, where he lived on a steep hillside in Northeast Harbor. John D. Rockefeller also contributed to this project in 1956. But you knew all that, didn't you?

  5. This is the good blog with good images and good details. Please keep on posting the more stuff. I will like to hear more from you.


Jen White