Bion Foster is a local business man who, oh, you know, donated 1.5 million dollars to the University of Maine. While, I, on the otherhand, will be lucky if I ever get my student loans paid back (The net result may be the same in the end but that is not what this post is about.)
I found out about this one day, not from reading my local newspaper, nay, but my checking my Sitemeter, and finding dozens and and dozens of hits from people Googling 'Bion Foster'. I thought maybe he died, but then I saw the donation. People Google Bion a LOT, still. And unfortunately, the 1st link they see is Mr Foster being called a 'tool' in The Thing of the Moment based upon an anonymous comment concerning ownership of the Lucerne Inn while I was not paid for the commercial use of a photo of said Inn.
I believe I'm at the top of the search results because I have (had....herein lies the warning) a decent Google Page Rank.
Today, I get many hits for Bion Foster from Google, not from the search engine, but from Google the ISP. That can't be good. And lo and behold I have a 'corrected' and much lower page rank. However, this still leaves me still at the top for Mr Foster's Googlers. Oops.
So NOOOOOOOOOOW I have put the post into draft form so it won't be showing up any longer and will be cleared from the Google cache soon (I hope, before I get a knock on the door) and one again, The Thing of the Moment apologizes to Mr Bion Foster.
If anyone else happens to find themselves being besmerched in the pages of The Thing of the Moment, like say Bangor Metro, The Lucerne Inn, or Bangor Photo, it's usually just to get a chuckle out of my 1 or 2 Gentle Viewers per day, give me a call or email me. I can be reasonable. Heh heh. Well, after I pick a bone with Darling's Honda, Nissan Volve, Sylvain Road, Bangor Maine, Mr Jim Prescott Sales Manager.
You really do need to get a life. Of course, then I'd have nothing with which to fill my empty life, 'cause I'd have nothing to read...and nowhere to leave my not-so-witty little comments. Okay. DO NOT get a life.